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Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 for the Site Owner/Power User Training

  • Prijs: 950,00

This 2-day instructor-led class is designed for the Site Owner / "power user" of a SharePoint site or site collection who needs to know how to create sites and lists, manage user access and customize lists and web part pages. After ... lees verder

Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

SharePoint 2007 Site Collection Owner/Team Site Administrator Training

  • Prijs: 1.425,00

This 3 day SharePoint Site Collection Owner/Team Site Administrator course gives students who have Contribute or Administrative permission for a site the ability to manage, administer, and modify a SharePoint site. Students will be shown how to ... lees verder

Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

Designing a Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Infrastructure Training

  • Prijs: 2.375,00

This 5 day ILT course teaches IT Professionals to design and deploy Microsoft SharePoint 2010 After completing this course, students will be able to: o Create a logical architecture design o Create a logical Service Application architecture o Create ... lees verder

Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

Application Virtualization with VMware ThinApp Training

  • Prijs: 595,00

Students attending this course will learn to virualize applications usingVMware ThinApp. lees verder

Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

VMware vCloud: Overview Training

  • Prijs: 95,00

This course demonstrates to technical personnel how the VMware vCloud™ solution delivers IT services in a cloud environment. The course focuses on enterprise usage in a private cloud but also includes information on how this approach supports ... lees verder

Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

Troubleshooting and Supporting Windows 7 in the Enterprise Training

  • Prijs: 1.170,00

This three-day instructor-led course will teach IT Professionals, experienced with Microsoft Windows XP and Windows Vista in a Tier 2 support environment, how to support the operating system and solve technical troubleshooting problems in a Windows ... lees verder

Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

Basisopleiding SharePoint 2010 NL Training

  • Prijs: 210,00

De cursus helpt eindgebruikers op weg bij het werken met SharePoint Portal Server. De cursus moet dan ook worden gezien als een introductiecursus. lees verder

Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

SharePoint voor MS Office 2010 gebruikers NL Training

  • Prijs: 345,00

Aan de hand van een ingerichte SharePoint omgeving van een gefingeerd bedrijf, worden mogelijkheden getoond en beoefend die de SharePoint omgeving biedt op het vlak van samenwerkingsverbanden, documentbeheer, hanteren van werkprocessen en ... lees verder

Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) Training

  • Prijs: 495,00

The goal of this 1-day, instructor-led MDOP class is to enable information technology workers to understand the technical aspects of MDOP to improve the desktop computing environment. On completion of the course, the student will have an ... lees verder

Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

Deploying Windows Vista Business Desktops Training

  • Prijs: 945,00

This course provides IT Professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully deploy the Windows Vista Business operating system to desktops throughout their organization. This course is presented in the context of the deployment ... lees verder