Advanced Data Access Development with Visual Studio 2005 Cursus
Aanbieder | Learnit Training |
Kosten | €900,00 |
Bestemd voor
This workshop is intended for corporate and Independent Software Vendor (ISV) application developers who have a desire to learn more about specific technology areas in distributed application development. (.NET 2.x)
Benodigde kennis
Before attending this workshop, students must:- Have attended or studied Workshop M2541, Core Data Access with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.
- Know how to use delegates.
- Be able to use database stored procedures, triggers, and aggregates.
- Be able to explain XPath concepts and basic syntax.
- Be able to explain XSLT style sheet concepts.
Tijdens deze cursus komen de volgende onderwerpen aan bod: Minimizing and Handling Database Operation Conflicts Handling Large Objects Enhancing Database Performance Creating Managed Code Objects for SQL Server 2005 Querying XML by Using ... Volledig programmaKeurmerken
Visual Studio is een programmeerontwikkelomgeving van Microsoft. Het biedt een complete set ontwikkelingstools om computerprogramma's in diverse programmeertalen te ontwikkelen.
This two-day instructor-led workshop provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to use advanced data access features and techniques in the Microsoft .NET Framework and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. The workshop describes how to access data and how to implement database functionality by using Microsoft ADO.NET 2.0 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005. The workshop also describes how to locate, edit, and transform XML by using XPath and Extensible Style sheet Language for Transformations (XSLT).
Classroom, Instructor led. This learning product is a Microsoft Official Workshop: a hands-on learning experience based on real-world scenarios where students can learn about Microsoft products in a safe and collaborative environment. Typically, 75% or more of the available time is reserved for hands-on activities.The course is not language-specific: code samples, lab descriptions, and lab code are available in both C# and Visual Basic .NET. The focus, however, will be on C#.
De training wordt aangeboden op basis van onze Open Leervorm-lesmethodiek. Dat betekent dat u onder actieve begeleiding van onze trainer zelfstandig aan het werk gaat om u de stof eigen te maken. Zo kunt u in eigen tempo uw leerdoelen behalen zonder daarbij gehinderd te worden door het snellere of langzamere tempo van uw medecursisten. Uiteraard ziet onze trainer erop toe dat u op schema blijft en of de leerdoelen ter voorbereiding op het examen behaald. Deze leervorm biedt ruimte aan een stuk maatwerk. U krijgt de gelegenheid om voorbeelden uit uw eigen praktijk en IT-omgeving in te brengen en zodoende nog specifieker te leren. meer...
Tijdens deze cursus komen de volgende onderwerpen aan bod:
- Minimizing and Handling Database Operation Conflicts
- Handling Large Objects
- Enhancing Database Performance
- Creating Managed Code Objects for SQL Server 2005
- Querying XML by Using XPath
- Transforming XML by Using XSLT Style Sheets.