Advanced Programming in Java Cursus
Aanbieder | Learnit Training |
Kosten | €2.120,00 |

Bestemd voor
This Workshop is a four-day, comprehensive hands-on workshop geared for developers who wish to explore specific advanced programming APIs and techniques.
Benodigde kennis
Voor deelname aan deze cursus is voorkennis vereist van de basis procedurele en object georienteerde aspecten van Java en kennis van Java GUI programmeren en event handling.Programma
Tijdens deze cursus komen o.a. de volgende onderwerpen aan bod: Module 1 - Writing High Performance Applications Module 2 - Resource Access: Including javamail, NIO packages, Logging API Module 3 - Java and XML: Including DTD's, SAX, DOM ... Volledig programmaKeurmerken
(Java wordt op het internetgebied ingezet om krachtige, gecompliceerde applicaties te ontwikkelen, voor de client en de server. Dit houdt in: Geavanceerde intranet toepassingen, security, content management en krachtige interfaces. Java is een objectgeorienteerde programmeertaal en is platformonafhankelijk).
The Advanced Java Programming course is a four day, comprehensive hands-on workshop geared for developers who wish to explore specific advanced programming APIs and techniques. Students who attend the Advanced Java Programming course will leave the course armed with the skills they require to develop solid Java applications, using sound coding techniques and best coding practices. Many complete mini-projects are laced throughout the course, designed to reinforce fundamental skills and concepts learned in the lessons. Because these lessons, labs and projects are presented in a building block fashion, students will gain a solid understanding of not only the core concepts, but also how all pieces fit together in a complete application.
Working in a hands-on environment, developers will:
- list possible metrics for measuring software performance
- explain the effect of OO design on software performance
- list and describe types of benchmarks and the criteria relevant to a benchmark plan
- explore the most useful targets/most common tools for profiling
- describe two strategies for improving performance as a result of profiling data
- list and explain the five most common problem areas for good performance with Java
- use the JDK to collect runtime profiling data
- successfully read profiling data generated by JDK to detect performance bottlenecks
- instrument your own code to collect method execution time data
- learn code optimization techniques
- use zip I/O streams
- explore and understand the NIO packages
- Use Java API's to parse XML data
- understand how to structure and the advantages of jarfiles
- understand and implement Internationalization and Localization techniques
- explore and understand JNI
- interface to a C function from Java
- exchange data from a JVM to a C function
- Implement a security policy.
Examen informatie
- 310-027 - Essay Examen CX-310-027 Sun Certified Developer for Java 2 Platform
- 310-252A - Examen CX-310-252A Programming Assignment Sun Certified Developer for Java 2 Platform.
De concepten worden behandeld aan de hand van presentatie sheets. Illustratieve voorbeeld programma’s worden gebruikt om de behandelde concepten te verduidelijken. Er is ruime gelegenheid tot oefenen en afwisseling van theorie en praktijk.Programma
Tijdens deze cursus komen o.a. de volgende onderwerpen aan bod:
- Module 1 - Writing High Performance Applications
- Module 2 - Resource Access: Including javamail, NIO packages, Logging API
- Module 3 - Java and XML: Including DTD's, SAX, DOM
- Module 4 - Java Utilities: Regular Expression API, Preferences Expression API
- Module 5 - Advanced Developer Features: Reflection, Advanced Threading, RMI, JNI
- Module 6 - Security: Platform security & JAAS.