63 resultaten

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Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

Programmeren in CICS/COBOL basis Training

  • Prijs: 1.485,00

Deze cursus behandelt File Control commando's, zoals READ, REWRITE, WRITE, DELETE en BROWSE en leert de deelnemer hoe deze te gebruiken. De Program Control commando's LINK, XCTL en RETURN worden behandeld alsmede de COMMAREA optie. Men ... lees verder

Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

IMS-DC - Programmeren in PL/I Training

  • Prijs: 1.485,00

Deze cursus is een ideale aanvulling voor hen, die naast BATCH ook ON-LINE database programma's gaan maken. Ingegaan wordt op de Data Communicatie (DC) structuur van IMS en de bijbehorende functies en de terminologie. Na deze inleiding wordt de ... lees verder

Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

Deploying Microsoft .NET Applications for Systems Engineers Training

  • Prijs: 1.345,00

This three-day instructor-led course teaches System Engineers how to deploy .NET applications and the .NET Framework, using different deployment techniques. It includes the basic architecture of .NET applications and how to secure, monitor, and ... lees verder

Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Training

  • Prijs: 1.395,00

This three-day instructor led, hands-on workshop provides students with the knowledge and skills to identify and resolve common Microsoft Exchange Server issues lees verder

Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

Implementing Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 Clustering Training

  • Prijs: 1.445,00

This three-day instructor led, hands-on course is designed to provide the student with the skills to select the appropriate implementation of business solutions that require fault tolerance and high availability lees verder

Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

Managing a Microsoft Server 2003 Environment Training

  • Prijs: 1.895,00

This five-day instructor-led course provides delegates with the knowledge and skills to manage accounts and resources in a Microsoft Windows ® Server 2003 environment. The course is intended for systems administrator and systems engineer ... lees verder

Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

Maintaining a Microsoft Server 2003 Environment Training

  • Prijs: 1.345,00

This three-day instructor-led course provides delegates with the knowledge and skills that are needed to effectively maintain server resources, monitor server performance, and safeguard data on a computer running one of the operating systems in the ... lees verder

Meer informatie over Twice IT Training

Networking Security Fundamentals Training

  • Prijs: 1.795,00

Deze vierdaagse klassikale training voorziet cursisten van de benodigde kennis en vaardigheden om te beginnen met het ondersteunen van netwerkveiligheid binnen een organisatie. Deze cursus zal veiligheidsconcepten behandelen. Dit zijn eerste ... lees verder