C/SIDE Solution Development in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Cursus
Aanbieder | Learnit Training |
Kosten | €1.950,00 |
Bestemd voor
De cursus is bestemd voor systeemontwikkelaars en consultants die pasklare oplossingen willen ontwikkelen op het gebied van Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009.
Benodigde kennis
- Kennis op het niveau van de cursus C/SIDE Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009.
- Bij voorkeur heeft men het examen Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 C/SIDE Introduction behaald.
Client Requirements: Diagnose the Executive Summary Analyze Functional Requirements Create a Data Model, Develop a Project Plan. Master Tables and Pages: Use Formalized Analysis and Design Methodology Understand Master Table and Page ... Volledig programmaKeurmerken
De cursus (level 200) biedt deelnemers de basiskennis en vaardigheden die nodig zijn om Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009-applicaties te ontwikkelen voor zowel de Classic Client- als de RoleTailored Client-omgeving. Aan bod komen onder andere: programming documentation, debugging tools, performance issues, complex data variables, multi-language functionaliteit, objectanalyses en posting routines.
De training wordt aangeboden op basis van onze Open Leervorm-lesmethodiek. Dat betekent dat u onder actieve begeleiding van onze trainer zelfstandig aan het werk gaat om u de stof eigen te maken. Zo kunt u in eigen tempo uw leerdoelen behalen zonder daarbij gehinderd te worden door het snellere of langzamere tempo van uw medecursisten. Uiteraard ziet onze trainer erop toe dat u op schema blijft en of de leerdoelen ter voorbereiding op het examen behaald. Deze leervorm biedt ruimte aan een stuk maatwerk. U krijgt de gelegenheid om voorbeelden uit uw eigen praktijk en IT-omgeving in te brengen en zodoende nog specifieker te leren. meer...
Client Requirements:
- Diagnose the Executive Summary
- Analyze Functional Requirements
- Create a Data Model, Develop a Project Plan.
Master Tables and Pages:
- Use Formalized Analysis and Design Methodology
- Understand Master Table and Page Standards
- Work with Table Event Triggers
- Complex Data Types and Their Member Functions
- Enable Multi-Language Functionality
- Test Master Tables and Pages Using a Test Script.
- Import and Export Objects as Text Files
- Support Multi-Language Functionality
- Use Main and Subpages (Document Pages)
- Virtual Tables, Temporary Tables
- Review of Table Types and C/AL Functions
- Create Additional Tables and User Interfaces (Pages).
- Journal and Document Posting Routines
- Documenting Modifications to Existing Objects
- Debug Code
- Program for Low-Impact on the Application
- Develop Pages and Codeunits for Posting
- Add Objects to the RoleTailored Client Menu.
- Adding Navigation Features to Pages
- Integrating and Testing Navigation Features.
- Report Event Triggers and Special Report Functions
- Create Reports for Classic and RoleTailored Clients
- Create Lists and Confirmation Documents
- Create a ProcessingOnly Report that Posts Invoices.
- Create Pages to Calculate Price Sums Efficiently
- Use FlowFilters to Easily Calculate Statistics for Different Time Periods.
- Global, Shortcut, Budget Dimension Types
- Basic Rules of Dimension Setup
- Populate Dimension Tables
- Enable Multi-Language Functionality
- Flow of Dimension Values for Posted Documents
- Shortcut Dimension Fields.
- Automating Tasks for Other Applications
- Install and Use Custom Controls in C/AL
- File Handling Functions to Import or Export Data
- Design and Implement an E-Mail Capability
- Use the XMLport to Export Data in XML Format.
Web Services:
- Web Services Support in MS Dynamics NAV 2009
- Expose Codeunit and Page Objects as Web Services
- Consume Web Services Using Visual Studio and Infopath.
Optimizing for SQL Server:
- Classic Database Server vs. MS SQL Server
- Table Event Triggers, Store Tables and Indexes
- Collation Options and Descriptions
- Database Replication, Database Backup
- SQL Server Query Optimizer
- The Microsoft Dynamics NDBCS Driver
- Optimizing Cursors to Maximize Performance
- Locking, Blocking, and Deadlocks
- How SIFT Data is Stored in SQL Server.
- Deployment Tasks, Deployment Phases
- Common Data Types Imported into Dynamics NAV
- Updating or Upgrading MS Dynamics NAV?
- Upgrading Executables and Objects
- Basic Upgrade Steps and Upgrade Tools.