Advanced Web Development with Visual Studio 2010

Advanced Web Development with Visual Studio 2010 Cursus


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Doel In deze cursus leert u omgaan met Visual Studio .NET 2010 Advanced ASP.NET MVC en Web Development onder Framework 4.0. Volledige omschrijving

Bestemd voor

Redelijk ervaren of ervaren applicatieontwikkelaars op het .NET-platform die professionele ASP.NET Web Applications gaan ontwikkelen met Visual Studio 2010.

Benodigde kennis

Deelnemers dienen zeer ruime ervaring als ontwikkelaar te hebben, waaronder minimaal drie maanden met Visual Studio .NET 2008 of 2010 als ontwikkelaar van ASP.NET applications. Gedegen kennis van ofwel Visual Basic .NET ofwel C# is onontbeerlijk.


Positioning MVC and ASP.NET: Overview of IIS 7.0 and ASP.NET 4.0 Introduction to the MVC Framework Overview of the Request Life Cycle Web Applications: Case Studies and Design Essentials When to Use Web Forms and MVC Developing MVC ... Volledig programma





In deze cursus leert u omgaan met Visual Studio .NET 2010 Advanced ASP.NET MVC en Web Development onder Framework 4.0.


Positioning MVC and ASP.NET:

  • Overview of IIS 7.0 and ASP.NET 4.0
  • Introduction to the MVC Framework
  • Overview of the Request Life Cycle
  • Web Applications: Case Studies and Design Essentials
  • When to Use Web Forms and MVC

Developing MVC Essentials:

  • Exploring Ways to Create MVC Models
  • Creating a Data Repository
  • Implementing MVC Controllers
  • Creating Action Methods
  • MVC Views: Strongly-Typed MVC Views and Partial MVC Views

Designing for Discoverability:

  • Overview of Search Engine Optimization
  • Creating the Robots and Sitemap Files
  • Using ASP.NET Routing

Writing Server-Side Code for Web Forms:

  • Controlling ViewState and Persisting Data
  • Localizing a Web Application
  • Validating User Input

Optimizing Data Management for Web Forms:

  • Managing Data by Using LINQ to Entities
  • Using Data Source Controls
  • Using ASP.NET Dynamic Data

Testing and Refactoring:

  • Debugging and Refactoring code
  • Unit Testing Code and Test Driven Development
  • Processing Unhandled Exceptions


  • Configuring Authentication and ASP.NET Membership
  • Managing Authorization by Using ASP.NET Roles

Enhancing User Experience:

  • Applying Master Pages
  • Applying CSS, Skins, and Themes
  • Developing Client-Side Scripts and Using AJAX
  • Implementing AJAX Using jQuery and AJAX Events

Deploying a Web Application:

  • Overview of Web Application Deployments
  • Overview of Web Site Deployments

Developing a Web Application by Using Silverlight:

  • Introduction to Rich Internet Applications
  • Overview of Silverlight
  • Creating a Silverlight Application

Deze gegegevens zijn voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 6 februari 2012.