Bestemd voor
Diegenen die programma's in C willen schrijven.
Benodigde kennis
Voor deelname is kennis van C vereist.
basic stream I/O scope resolution operator default function arguments, function and operator overloading references and pointers classes, objects and arrays of objects constructor and destructor public, private and protected data ... Volledig programmaKosten
Het tarief is incl. studiemateriaal en lunch, excl. BTW InschrijvenBeschrijving
Centraal staan het C class concept en de C implementatie van object georiënteerde principes als abstraction, encapsulation en inheritance. Verder komen aan orde dynamische geheugen allocatie, overloading van functies en operatoren, dynamic linking, polymorphisme en virtual functions, multiple inheritance, templates, de iostream library en conversion functies. Tenslotte is er aandacht voor de C wijze van exception handling.
Diegenen die programma's in C willen schrijven.
Voor deelname is kennis van C vereist.
- basic stream I/O
- scope resolution operator
- default function arguments, function and operator overloading
- references and pointers
- classes, objects and arrays of objects
- constructor and destructor
- public, private and protected data
- member functions, member and constant objects
- dynamic memory allocation
- new and delete operators and set_new_handler
- pointer members
- this pointer and copy constructor
- references to objects
- static data members and member functions
- friends classes and functions
- inheritance and class hierarchies
- interface and code inheritance and composition
- pointer conversion
- virtual functions and v-table
- dynamic binding and polymorphism
- abstract classes
- class conversions and conversion functions
- multiple inheritance
- template functions and template classes
- instantiation, statics, template class nested types
- templates under inheritance
- advanced stream I/O and manipulators
- stream member functions and streams as friends
- exception handling, try block, catch handler and throw clause
- set_unexpected and set_terminate