Administration in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0

Administration in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Training


AanbiederMaster it Training
Kosten 875,00
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This two-day course, Administration in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, provides students with the necessary techniques to plan, develop, apply, and examine administrative tasks within Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0. Doelgroep This course is intended ... Volledige omschrijving


Module 1: Configuring the Organizational Structure This module examines how to set up and manage business units. Lessons Business Units Managing Business Units Module 2: Configuring Security This module examines the Microsoft ... Volledig programma


Het tarief is incl. studiemateriaal en lunch, excl. BTW Inschrijven


This two-day course, Administration in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, provides students with the necessary techniques to plan, develop, apply, and examine administrative tasks within Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0.


This course is intended for people who plan to install, implement, configure, or support Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0. The course is intended for administrators, implementers, developers, and consultants who need to understand the technical aspects and administrative functionality of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The course is not intended for non-technical staff.


Before attending this course, students must have a working knowledge of Windows Server 2000, 2003, or Windows XP, Microsoft Exchange 2000 or 2003, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Microsoft Office Outlook, Active Directory, and Internet Information Services. It is recommended, but not required, that students have completed Microsoft Dynamics CRM application training. In addition, it is recommended, but not required, that students have experience working with relational databases.


Module 1: Configuring the Organizational Structure

This module examines how to set up and manage business units.


  • Business Units
  • Managing Business Units

Module 2: Configuring Security

This module examines the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Security model, the components that make up the model, and how to manage them.


  • Privileges
  • Access Levels
  • Roles
  • Creating roles in business units
  • Assigning roles to users
  • Resolution of conflicting privileges
  • Copying roles
  • Security best practices

Module 3: Configuring Users and Teams

This module examines user management functionality in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.


  • User management overview
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM User Management
  • User Manager Wizard
  • Team Management

Module 4: Configuring System Settings

This module examines the series of configuration settings that are found within the Microsoft Dynamics CRM application.


  • Configure System Settings
  • Configure Multi-Currency Exchange Rates
  • Install Multilingual User Interface (MUI) Language Packs
  • Enable and use duplicate detection
  • Create data maps

Module 5: Change Management

This module examines best practices related to planning, executing, and testing changes in an implementation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.


  • Change Management Principles
  • Planning Changes
  • Executing Changes
  • Testing Changes

Module 6: Report Customizations

This module examines options available for reporting in Microsoft Dynamics CRM and basic report customization capabilities.


  • Reporting and Microsoft Dynamics CRM
  • Reporting Features
  • Creating Basic Reports
  • Display and categorization options
  • Controlling access to reports

Module 7: Performance and Maintenance

This module examines basic system performance and maintenance items related to improving the speed and user experience of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.


  • Hardware Requirements
  • Outlook Client Performance
  • Report Performance
  • System Performance Optimization
  • E-mail Router Optimization
  • Database Performance
  • Best Practices

Module 8: Advanced Find

This module examines the query capability of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Advanced Find functionality.


  • Scenarios
  • Personal Views and Exports
  • Best Practices